Fishing Tips

What bait should i use?

River Prawns:

Herring, Whiting, King George Whiting, Cobbler, Skippy, Bream, Flathead, Flounder, Rivers Prawns will also be good for any river fishing.
HerringSand WhitingKing George WhitingCobblerSkippy


Tailor, Herring, Skippy




Coral Prawns:

Herring, Whiting, King George, Skippy, Coral Prawns will also be good for any ocean fishing


Tailor, Herring, Mullaway, Salmon, Dhu Fish, Schnapper, Mulies will be helpful with any deep sea fishing excursions.


Whiting, King George, Dhu Fish, Schnapper, Also good for any deep sea fishing.


Schnapper, Dhu Fish, King George, Another good deep fishing bait.

Blue Bait:

Tailor, Herring, Skippy, Good for any ocean fishing.

Beach Worms:

Great for catching Whiting they love emm.

Tube and Blood Worms:

Whiting, Bream, Cobbler, Flounder, Flathead, another good river fishing bait.

Mullet Whole:

Crab and Crayfish, Mulloway, Tailer best for Stripped deep sea fishing.


Tailor, Herring, Skippy, Great for ocean fishing.

Ox Heart:

Whiting and Herring.

Bonney Herring Whole:

Crab and Crayfish,